Chiropractic Care - Meet Dr. Perry
Ultimate ChiroCare Takes Great Pride
Computerized Adjusting Instruments
Ultimate ChiroCare uses the latest adjustment techniques, including drop tables and computerized adjusting instruments. These methods deliver a gentle, safe and effective spinal adjustment. Computerized adjusting instruments are particularly useful with patients who have joint degeneration or are sensitive to a manual adjustment. Never in the history of chiropractic care have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists.

These newer correction methods are safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before.Ideal spinal alignment allows an individual to assume standing posture with minimal muscular energy expenditure. This ideal alignment should permit an extended pain-free erect position, without putting undo stress on the nervous system.
Because our spine is our communication link to our entire body, mis-alignment can often cause pain in areas that the average person would not associate with the spine, for example, headaches or leg pain.
The main goal of a chiropractor is to facilitate the spine, (the link to our entire nervous system), to operate at maximum efficiency. That is primarily done with chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, traction and various other methods to attain proper spinal alignment.
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